Sunday, 28 August 2016

Nibiru mentioned in the Bible

     In Isaiah 14:9 it says in regards to the Antichrist, "Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations.
     Isaiah is talking about the entrance of the Antichrist onto the world scene. Will his entrance be marked with the entrance of Planet X at around the same time? Seems to be.
    In the Bible Codes Planet X is found in Ezekiel 41:11.  What's remarkable about this is that the term Hell runs straight beside the main term Planet X in the codes.
     And Planet X is here!
     The speculation of a planet headed into our solar system was first acknowledged and then later rejected by NASA. But further research reveals that NASA has known for the past 20 years that this planet was coming our way. The Vatican had even built a reservatory in Arizona in the 1980s just to watch it's progress toward earth.
     What is it they're worried about? And why would they deny it's existence?

Planet X is here!! It has changed directions can see it early a.m. in the mornings when Venus appears in the east!
Last month I had a vision of a huge rock, moon, planet (whatever it was) and it was approaching the southern part of the United States. And then something else of the same (another moon, rock, whatever)  came up from behind  it and headed east! I bet this was it! I bet Yahweh was trying to tell me that Planet X was changing directions! I don't know what it was it was coming up from behind, but it passed it and headed east!
so a few weeks later I went into the codes and found that in regards to Planet revealed..
Alignment - Venus - East - Babylon!!!
and I found this cluster ..
Lord - Yahweh - Coder - Sherry - Babylon -
Unmasked - Revealed (Nibiru) - East - Babylon

there's several terms I looked up to detail the inhabitants of Planet X..
Jedi - Genesis 1:2
the Real "Return of the Jedi" and they are not forces of light. They are evil. They are the Watchmen who fell from grace in a rebellion led by Lucifer against the Most High God (Isaiah 14:12)
some of the clusters found..
Ancient - Watchman - Origin - Genesis - Mutiny - Revolt - Rebellion - Insurrection - Seed - God
Angel(s) - Cherub - Rahab - Planet - Satan - Nibiru - Habitat - Home
The terms Rahab and Nibiru intersect, as others have stated Nibiru is a chunk of Rahab that survived the explosion, that is now coming back to earth. Now we have confirmation!
Nibiru - Earth - Advent - Coming - Arrival - Returning - Ruling - Cohabitation
notice it's "returning" because it was here once before..Planet Rahab was originally Lucifer's home planet and Yahweh destroyed it and cast it out of our solar system..and He's allowing it to return in these last days..
when Lucifer rebelled, the results of God's judgment against him and those that rebelled were that the planets involved were destroyed. Lucifer was allowed to escape, but his home planet was cast out of the solar system, Mars and Earth were destroyed with hailstones and the inhabitants fled to inside these planets. When Yahweh recreated the earth in Gen 1 it had already been sitting barren and empty for thousands of years, we really don't know how long..we just know that earth had a thriving angelic habitation here..and that's where you'll hear of Atlantis and some of the other civilizations that lived here before the earth was destroyed.
When Yahweh re-created the earth and created man in his own image to dwell here, Lucifer came to earth, saw what was happening and from that time has set out to destroy man, because he was jealous that God created man in His OWN image.
Those being held on Lucifer's original home planet, known as X, Nibiru, real name Rahab, have been prisoners..
Lucifer has been using the other alien races to set up mankind for their arrival..
There's plenty of garbage going around from these races who use people to talk through and we call that channeling..and they claim they want to help mankind, they are our ascended masters, and anything else they can try and use on a gullible population to believe their lies..but the truth is
They don't plan on coming to share with and enlighten mankind on a better way to live, they want to destroy and destroy mankind! They are not planning to cohabitat with us on this planet, they fully intend to RULE planet Earth.
in the codes the Annunaki are found in- Genesis 25:32 and they're found in other places, i just focused on this particular code..
Also known as Jedi, or Nephilim

Who were the Annunaki? They were the Watchers, Watchmen assigned to earth to watch over Yahweh's Creation in the Garden of Eden and Earth .
They were created by God as perfect Angels. These Watchers rebelled against God and their assignment and a mutiny followed as they abandoned  their mission to oversee humans and began to defile the women of the earth by having offspring with them.  This led to a giant defect in the DNA of the offspring and an eventual almost complete contamination of the human DNA.
By the time Yahweh destroyed the world with a flood because of this contamination, only one family on earth was left with pure human DNA.
But even after the flood, the Watchers kept revolting and even more were punished and cast out of heaven losing their first estate and habitation,  as they continued to defile women and human DNA (Genesis 6:4)
 This hybridization and corruption of the human DNA is still very much a part of our world although the giant defect has been corrected and most hybridization goes undetected.
Why is the church silent on UFOs, Aliens, abductions, implantations, and forced breedings?
some of the clusters i found..
Annunaki - Assigned - Gardenland - Eden
God - Creation - Watchman - Keeper - Gardenland - Eden - Mutiny - Revolt - Rebellion
and then,
Annunaki - Cherub - Angel - Seraph - Disgrace - Dishonor - Shame - Disgraceful - Mutiny - Rebellion - Revolt - Forfeit - Forfeiture - Retribution - Punishment - Yahweh - Lord - God
 These Annunaki are NOT our creators. As you can see they themselves were created beings by God in heaven and were assigned to watch over the earth. When they rebelled, they were cast out of heaven, their first estate, although they do still reign in the first and second heavens and inhabit other planets and star systems visiting Earth in UFOs. Many of them, have underground bases here in the earth. In the ensuing years the Theory of Evolution will be discredited from the very founders themselves and their pawns. They will then promote through Government Disinfo Scientists that mankind was created in a test tube by these Annunaki and that these Annunaki are our creators. This is part of the grand delusion and lie at the end of days.
These Annunaki are also known as Nephilim, and several other names. Instead of preaching the truth, our Churches changed the truth to lies and preached the "Sons of Seth" facade changing the truth of Scriptures. These angels were the Sons of God who rebelled against Him.  Our Churches also took out the Book of Enoch out of the Scriptures to hide this worldwide hybridization and the truth as to who these aliens are and what they are doing. 
and then there's their buddies called the Draconians..
the term Draconian is found inGenesis 1:27
and this was funny I stumbled on a cluster that detailed a few terms including..
Sherry - Shriner - Troublesome - Nagger - Noisy
Warfare - Combat - Dragon - Draconian

well I'm always up for ruining a dragon party or plan.

Dragon and draconian are relatively the same term. Draconian means dragon. Yahweh is raising His people up to fight against them...Dragon Slayers.. We don't need weapons of their warfare. We have our own.
and I thought the fun was just starting..seems there's much more to come..
Sherry - Shriner - Thrilling - Annointing - Overpowering - Shocking
 Ohio - Lineage - Provenance
I assume it's not only the orgone surprise we have waiting for them when they arrive..but the fact I was able to decode them and expose them before they even got here..
Nibiru- Army - Residence - Home - Dragon
Carrier- Transporter - Demonic
Nibiru is a carrier and the home of the dragons. It's bringing them closer to earth for a showdown. They are the armies of Lucifer, the Antichrist, who will help him conquer and control the earth for 42 months. They are hostile, violent, and evil.
I've been sounding the alarms on this for years. Babylon is America, and they will conquer and control America.
IN BABYLON (America) - Capital - Conquered
Just because they're going to conquer our country doesn't mean we have to lay down and make it easy for them. Fight Back! Orgone Asphyxiates them. They can't breathe where there is Orgone. Check out my site at 
Sabotage - Disaster - Annihilation - Orgone
 Toxicant - Poisonous- Asphyxia
They can't breathe where there is Orgone. Protect your home, neighborhood, town, city, state!! 
terms associated with Planet X are
Planet X - Planet - Star - Earth - Judgment - Yahweh - End Time - Hell

This Planet will be used by Yahweh to fulfill His judgments on mankind described in the Book of Revelation

Earth - Pole - Shake - Upturned - Old Testament - Pentatuech - End Time

 the arrival of this planet will disturb the solar system causing cataclysmic events and a shaking of the earth, which indicates a possible pole shift

these clusters were also found together..
NWO (New World Order) - Babylon - Mobilization - Doorway - Opening

NASA - Nuclear - Missile - Naval (does NASA try to destroy this planet)

Rebel - Attack - Authority - NASA (the inhabitants of this planet will attack the authority of NASA)

NASA - Bewildered - Furious - Infuriated (NASA is dumbfounded, not what they expected eh?)

Cruel - Interferer - Tyrannous - Inhabitant (this planet is carrying the backup armies of the Antichrist's, so much for the peace loving "want to help humanity" lies they've been believing from the aliens eh?)
When will our government stop playing the games and being played as fools by the Aliens? Will it be too late before they finally see this?
 The destruction and fiasco caused by the coming of this planet will begin the full mobilization of the New World Order.
 Once you see this planet arrive at earth - it's destination - the arrival and entrance of the Antichrist is closely following.  And we're already seeing that, it's visible in the eastern skies already in the early morning hours.
 The Bible details horrible judgments and plagues, famines, earthquakes, wars, water contamination and much more to ensue the following years after the arrival of this planet and then subsequently the Antichrist.

Hailed as a Man of Peace, he will bring nothing but destruction and death, and this is literal, not only because of his economic policies he enforces on the world, but because by bringinng in his armies tohelp him enforce these policies, the entrance of their planet, carrier, destroys our planet in the process.

The Aliens are coming! Sure they've been here all along, but not like they're going to be!! Millions of Anuk and Draco helping the Antichrist take over the world! Don't be fooled, Lucifer doesn't need man's armies to run this world when he's got his own immortal armies! The only way to defend yourself against their evil, violent, cannabilistic 8 foot selves is with and through Yahweh!
     It is the Anuk who will help enforce the mark of the beast, it is the Anuk who will persecute God's people for refusing to join Lucifer's one world government!
     The men of old, the men of reknown, have returned and they want to destroy you. 
      If you've backslidden get back with Yah. If you're on the fence, get off it.
     The end days are here.
      Yahweh told me , "The world has run its course, the prophecies of old will be fulfilled."
       Time is ticking..

What is "Planet Sedna? - Genesis 31:44
Rahab - Moon - Double - Following
it's a moon following behind Rahab
It's a moon of Rahab's...also known as Planet X
or Planet Nibiru..and it's following after it..
which means the "Planet" in directly in front
of Planet Rahab-Nibiru-X

Genesis 41:35
NASA says it's an asteroid...another reason to never believe
a word NASA says.
 What does the Bible reveal about Toutatis?
It's another moon of Rahab, aka Planet X, Planet Nibiru. Albeit a runaway and fugitive one, but it's associated with Planet's hollow, and it's a prison for Dracos otherwise known as Fallen Watchers who rebelled against the Most High God and interbred with human women.
Toutatis is their home, their prison. And it's coming toward the earth.
Toutatis - Rahab - Moon - Satellite - Luminary - Fugitive - Runaway - Courier - Hollow - Angel - Draco - Prisoner - Mutiny - Revolt - Rebellion - Genital - Pubic - Crime - Guilty - Imprisonment
What's really interesting about this Toutatis is that it's termed a runaway, fugitive, perhaps off course, perhaps a renegade group of Draconians, either way, it's presence and arrival is threatening to the world and Babylon (USA) and the USA will nuke it and split it in half. 
Will they tell the world it's a literal battle against Aliens to stop their approach to Earth? And are these Jedi  purposely trying to come to earth or is this 'moon'  just out of control and orbit as to where they are suppose to be and are on a collision course with Earth?
Hard to say, either way it's clearly not an asteroid. The terms asteroid and comet don't even come up in this code.
Toutatis - Off-line - Divided- Runaway - Fugitive - Babylon (USA) - Nuke - Split - Menace - Threatening - Intimidation - Nullify - Jedi (another name for fallen angels)
One thing we do know is that many 'objects' are coming closer to earth. Many fallen angels aka Aliens, Jedi, Watchers, have been imprisoned in these "moons and planets" and they will be released from their prisons in these last days to help Lucifer conquer the earth, masquerding as the prophesied Messiah. Is nuking one on a collision course going to eliminate them or actually just break them free leaving them homeless?  And closer to earth than ever...
Names for Fallen Angels = Aliens, Watchers, Jedi, Dracos, Draconians, Anuk, Annunaki, Reptilians, Enki, Enlil, Nephilim, Gibborim, Locust,  some people call them demons but they are not demons, demons are the spirits of the dead hybrid children of the Nephilim allowed to roam the earth. Demons are spirits and operate in the spiritual realm. Aliens have bodies, albeit usually grotesque because they lost their angelic beauty as part of their judgment.  They can shapeshift - morph- transform - into human bodies and look human.
I don't think they will once they arrive here in full force, many are cloaking today to hide who and what they really are..but when the veil is lifted and Satan comes to power..they'll just be as they are and who they are..

The coming UFO invasion, the arrival of the Antichrist, Satan's Seat,
and other events put into perspective
    Something interesting I've seen in the codes lately and just putting things together that I've seen over and over is that the "pavilion" the Antichrist "Jesus" will rule from is indeed the rebuilt Solomon's temple.

   This temple is regarded as dishonorable and shameful..which it is because it negates and denies the real Jesus death on the cross and perfect sacrifice for our sins. Rebuilding this temple is a mockery of who He is and what He did for us and it's blasphemous. The fake Jesus who comes will approve this temple being rebuilt (obviously because it's blasphemous) but then he'll overthrow and negate the treaty that allows this and sabotage and rule from it himself.

   Another interesting aspect is the increase and dominance in the codes of this coming alien invasion with the Antichrist. They're his armies. And right now they are ruling behind the scenes and guess where this Draconian seat is? The Vatican. Yes, the Draconians (dragons) are running the Vatican.

   Ok not a big surprise to a lot of folks that Satan's seat is the Vatican. Satan is a dragon. And if that's where the draconians are, then that's where Satan is. And that has also been revealed in the codes.

   These Draconians and others involved with this Alien Faction fighting for control and dominance of the world via the NWO are coming to earth from Planet Nibiru and their arrival is abrupt and unexpected.
So watch this planet, because as it keeps getting closer and closer to the earth, realize it's carrying the armies of the Antichrist. And they are coming to earth, the veil will be lifted, and people will be able to see these aliens for what they are.
And the ones we'll see aren't human looking. Some on this planet are the Annunaki, and the Annunaki are humanoids just very very tall. So there will be a mixture of human looking aliens to grotesque reptilians, greys and draconians.


   Does the Antichrist arise from the United States? He could and it's dominate that he will and I think it's one of the biggest surprises in end time events because it's something most people expect the least to happen.
the churches keep your focus on Europe, or over in Israel, everywhere but here, and the truth is the USA IS the DOMINANT home of the Antichrist. Unless we can kick him out of here because of orgone being all over the place and he and his armies can't stay here.

. There's different routes being played, all these end time scenarios and events are like a card game, where we know the final outcome, but for us we have to be able to recognize what card is pulled and when and that comes by knowing what the cards are to begin with. 

   The Antichrist rising from the United States is a definite card that can be played. And right now it's the most dominant card.
Most people don't think that can happen because the churches and prophecy gurus tell them that the Antichrist is going to be a religious leader because he's "god" and the False Prophet is the economic leader because he's the one that demands legislation that entraps the world into receiving the mark of the beast in order to buy or sell, basically to join the new economic requirements for world business and trade.
But what I'm seeing over and over again in the codes is that the Antichrist is an ECONOMIC LEADER..and that goes with the same things I have found with the NESARA program where I've revealed that it's the political agenda of the Antichrist.
It's his political and economic platform when he comes to earth that he's going to use his false prophet to enforce.
The False Prophet's going to be the religious guy, the Antichrist is going to be Economic.

The Antichrist isn't proclaimed as God until he dies and comes back in a charade of UFO's which is his demonic alien army bringing him in as God as the world looks on at this UFO invasion spectacle.
but of course it will be heralded as angels accompanying him or our ascended masters. The government will also have a hand in it with a holographic display and space station theatrics to escalate the drama of his arrival.
The churches and gurus teach that the man who is to be the Antichrist will die and then come back to life and return as god three days later. But I'm finding this event of his return could be weeks, even months later, and not three days.

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