Tuesday, 8 November 2016

FOX News is showing NIBIRU (Planet-X will shake Earth at DECEMBER 2016)

Mystery In Solar System Could Be Explained by 'Planet 9'

Earth-like planet
Artist's impression supplied by the ESO (European Southern Observatory) on April 25, 2007, the planetary system around the red dwarf, Gliese 581. 
(Photo : ESO (European Southern Observatory), handout/Getty Images)
Calculations by researchers at Caltech suggest that the peculiarity in our solar system such as the tilt in the solar system could be because of the "Planet 9."
The "Planet 9" theory was first proposed in January by Caltech researchers Konstantin Batygin and Mike " Brown. It suggested that the ninth planet would possess a highly tilted orbit, leading to another study to find out if the ninth planet is responsible for the tilt in the entire solar system except the sun.
The area in which the eight major planets orbit the sun is tilted by about 6 degrees compared to the sun's equator. Until now, no gripping explanation has been made with regards to the inclination.
The calculations on the recent research, also participated by Batygin and Brown suggests said that the gigantic hidden planet beyond Neptune with an orbit set 30 degrees off the other planets' orbits is indeed to be accounted for.
"Because Planet Nine is so massive and has an orbit tilted compared to the other planets, the solar system has no choice but to slowly twist out of alignment," says Elizabeth Bailey, a graduate student at Caltech said in a press release published on Phys.org.
According to Space.com, the computer simulations performed by the team propose that the tilt of the eight official planets can be explained by the gravitational influence of Planet Nine "over the 4.5-billion-years-ish lifetime of the solar system," Bailey told the news site.
Although there are other possible explanations for the tilt, the "Planet 9" theory is the only thing that does not require early conditions.
If the ninth planet is so massive, as in that about 10 times the size of Earth, then why hasn't anyone seen it? The Guardian notes that according to the researchers, it could have escaped a telescope's notice because of its extreme distance from the sun. One year on the never before seen planet is 17,000 years on earth.
Because the ninth planet is too far away, Brown said it might took them to finally locate the unseen planet.
The calculations were presented at the annual meeting of planetary scientists of the American Astronomical Society.

Here's Proof The Massive 'Planet 9' Exists

Here's Proof The Massive 'Planet 9' Exists - Not That Anyone's Seen It Yet Though
Researchers are closer than ever to proving the existence of the elusive Planet Nine.
Two new studies have shed further light on the theory that there’s an enormous planet at the edge of the Solar System; an idea first proposed earlier this year. While the planet has yet to be directly observed, astronomers believe it’s roughly 70 times more distant from the Sun than our planet.
Now, researchers from the California Institute of Technology - including the proposers of Planet Nine, Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin - believe the six-degree tilt observed in the Sun compared to the plane of the Solar System may actually be a result of Planet Nine’s pull.
"Because Planet Nine is so massive and has an orbit tilted compared to the other planets, the Solar System has no choice but to slowly twist out of alignment," lead author Elizabeth Bailey said in a statement.
One paper in the Astrophysical Journal looks at the angular momentum contribution of Planet Nine on the spin of our star. Researchers think the potential planet is thought to arrive as close as 200 AU (astronomical unit) and as far away as 1,200 AU, with 1 AU being the Earth-Sun distance. Having an object that’s at least 10 times the mass of Earth on such an expansive orbit, and with an anticipated inclination of 30 degrees, will cause a wobble in the Sun. According to researchers’ calculations, this could explain the evident tilt.
Another study in the Astrophysical Journal Letterslooks at a different piece of evidence. These researchers deduce that the orbit of four minor objects in the Kuiper belt, including the planet Sedna, aren’t random; the cause of which seems to be an enormous object with characteristics similar to those expected of Planet Nine.
"We analyzed the data of these most distant Kuiper Belt objects, and noticed something peculiar, suggesting they were in some kind of resonances with an unseen planet," said lead author Renu Malhotra of University of Arizona in a statement.
"Our paper provides more specific estimates for the mass and orbit that this planet would have, and, more importantly, constraints on its current position within its orbit."
While neither of these studies offers conclusive evidence of Planet Nine, researchers believe a direct observation could be three or more years away.

Friday, 4 November 2016

NASA Confirmation : Planet Nibiru Is Coming Toward Earth – NIibiru Will Be A Life Ending Event

What is planet X also known as Planet 7X or Nibiru and what does it mean for us on earth? Is there a biblical connection and does it play a roll in the end-times?
There is evidence of an ongoing resurgence of the Planet X (also known as Nibiru) cataclysm conspiracy theory following the publication of new scientific studies in 2014 claiming evidence of a mysterious unnamed planet lurking beyond Pluto. The scientific claims were based on observations of gravitational influences on a group of space bodies termed the “extreme trans-Neptunian objects” (ETNOs) orbiting our Sun beyond the planet Neptune.
A slew of messages and YouTube videos currently being circulated in the conspiracy theory blogosphere claims that a NASA study published in 1988 revealed details about the mysterious Planet X/Nibiru with an estimated orbital period of more than 1,000 years.
The study, according to conspiracy theorists, demonstrates that NASA and the U.S. government have been aware for decades that the rogue Planet X is coming with catastrophic consequences for humanity.
According to conspiracy theorists, recently leaked secret NASA “Planet X” files reveal that the agency is aware that the gravitational influence of Planet X had disrupted the orbits of other planets during a previous passage into the inner solar system hundreds of years ago; and that the next disruptive passage into the inner solar system is imminent.
The approach of the mysterious Planet X is currently sending waves of charged “plasmatic energy particles” through our solar system. The flow of energy will finally disrupt the “core flows” of the Earth and trigger catastrophic changes in Earth’s climate.
According to 4 major biblical prophets something truly terrifying is coming our way, and it will hit homeland before the 1st of January 2017…
We have been feeling the disruptive effects of the inbound rogue Planet X since 1996 in the form of increased seismic and volcanic activities, freak weather patterns, and natural disasters.
NASA, the Pentagon, and the CIA are aware of the approaching rogue planet. The Vatican has also been briefed, but the public is being kept in the dark about the impending apocalypse. But despite efforts to keep the information secret, there have been leaks.
The comprehensive report submitted to the White House estimates that about two-thirds of humanity will be wiped out when Planet X induces a pole-shift. Two-thirds of survivors will perish over another six months due to starvation and exposure to the elements.
Although some conspiracy theorists insist that the Planet X mentioned in the NASA files is not linked with Zecharia Sitchin’s planet Nibiru — the alleged planet of the alien Anunnaki that makes a close approach to Earth as it passes through the inner solar system on its orbital path once every 3,600 years — many conspiracy theorists insist that that NASA’s “Planet X” is Nibiru.

Warning : Nibiru Planet X ~ The Best Evidence to Date ~ A Pole Shift is Coming!

But it is uncertain whether the Planet X mentioned in the purported NASA files is the same as the Planet X that scientific researchers announced in 2014 that they have evidence is lurking in the fringes of our solar system beyond Pluto.
According to the research study titled “Extreme trans-Neptunian objects and the Kozai mechanism: signaling the presence of trans-Plutonian planets,” published in June of 2014 in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters, there are at least two planets — part of our solar system — larger than Earth, lurking out there beyond Pluto, and whose presence can be detected through their gravitational influences.
According to the emerging conspiracy theory, NASA embarked on the New Horizons project two years after the 1988 publication revealed the existence of Planet X. The final destination of New Horizons is Planet X, but to prevent mass panic, NASA pretended that the destination of the space probe is Pluto and the Kuiper belt.
In the 1990s, the agency pretended it had abandoned the search for Planet X by leaking false information that the latest measurements by Voyager 2 proved that Planet X does not exist. According to NASA at the time, measurements taken by Voyager 2 showed that the alleged irregularities in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune which led to the Planet X hypothesis were due to overestimation of the mass of Neptune.
But according to conspiracy theorists, the claim by NASA scientists was a deliberate ruse to cover-up the actual destination of New Horizons beyond Pluto and the Kuiper belt – Planet X.
NASA knows that Planet X is real and that Armageddon is near, according to conspiracy theorists.
The researchers suggested that Planet X is likely ten times more massive than Earth and probably lies about 250 AU from our Sun. 
The 12th Planet and its consequences
This collision supposedly formed the planet Earth, and a belt of asteroids and comets. Sitchin says that when struck by one of the moons of Nibiru, Tiamat split in two, and then a second pass Nibiru, struck the broken fragments and half of Tiamat became the asteroid belt. The second half, collided again with one of the moons of Nibiru and was thrust into a new orbit and became today the planet Earth. Could this approach with increasing changes in climate, seasons, tides, volcanic activity and tectonic activity .. . and even tornadoes struck in June now?  The stars as they approach the Earth’s atmosphere can actually cause significant changes in magnetic activity. For many years, governments have learned that a celestial body approaches (also known as brown dwarf star) and its appearance cycle is 3.600 years, clearly discussed in ancient Sumerian cylinder seals and other old documents.

US Scientist Confirms Russian Fears Of Nibiru Planet, Could Begin to Harm Our Earth this Month

A recent news that caused uproar in the network. NASA has just been caught in a lie … and things are more serious than ever!
“Google Sky has just bring up an area in the space that previously had been censored by NASA in this area was hiding what appears to be Planet X, aka Nibiru, according to recent studies, allegedly drove up towards the Earth! . ”
NASA is lying! They could be lying to us until about other events that people still do not know? The answer is yes!.
We are heading for a apocalyptic event coming from, “out of this world”, something inconceivable to our present humanity, as we have memories about it is in our subconscious of past lives and the records of several people. They say the same thing. He is the cause of so many eras in our world; as Atlantis, Lemuria and others; that humanity put on the figure of universal floods. If it was not something is very important, because NASA reproach that location in Google Sky?
Does it take Nibiru 3,600 years to complete one orbital journey? As you can imagine, the gravitational effects of a sizable planet moving close to the inner solar system would spell big trouble for planet Earth. Earth has been acting up lately with an increase in earthquakes, volcanoes, blending of seasons, and more. Open your mind a little and stop believing everything our so called scientists and NASA folks have to say. Every week NASA seems to have learned something new that was unthinkable.

The Vatican Planet X observatory

The Vatican is in a very strange business. It owns a Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) in Arizona on Mt. Graham, near Tucson. It is a near-infrared telescope. The cover story is that they are looking for extra-solar planets and “advanced alien intelligence.” It is reported that the instrument is chilled to -213 Celsius, or -351 F, to allow it to conduct near-infrared observations. Planet X is of course a dwarf star, a binary twin to our sun, and can best be observed in this spectrum.
Why all of this interest by the Vatican? What are they really interested in? It is reported by a Father Malachi (a Vatican insider) that he knew about an inbound planet which would cause the destruction of millions of people. He said it would look like a red cross in the sky when it appeared. He had indicated it would appear between 2015 and 2025. The exact date is a secret, hidden in the archives of the Vatican.
Father Malachi was Professor of Paleontology at the Pontifical Biblical Institute of the Vatican. He was known to have criticized the Vatican for not releasing the full content of the “Third Secret of Fatima.” The presumption has become that the Vatican didn’t want the facts known about Wormwood.
In an interview with Art Bell on national radio, Father Martin was asked why the Vatican was so deeply involved in the exploration of “deep space.” He responded, “Because the mentality amongst those who are the highest levels of Vatican administration and geopolitics know … what’s going on in space, what is approaching us…”
Another Vatican insider stated that the Graham Observatory is used to study “anomalous celestial bodies approaching the earth.” He compared it to what the CIA did with one of its secret eyes, also known as the twin to Hubble. It is called SkyHole 12 or KeyHole 12.
He stated that during an Alaskan radio telescope monitoring of a deep space probe (a program called SILOE), that a photograph had been taken of a huge planet moving closer inbound to our system. This was way back in 1995. He was told the information was classified well beyond “Top Secret.” He further stated that the probe was created in Area 51 with an electromagnetic pulse motor, and that it was put in orbit by a space plane. Its purpose was to approach Nibiru or Planet X and transmit information back to the radio telescope.
The fact is that the Vatican has a Secret Intelligence Agency named the S.I.V. and this stands for Servizio Informazioni del Vaticano (the Information Service of the Vatican). The fact is that the Vatican’s telescope and its twin are mounted at the focus points of the LBT’s two giant 27.6-foot-diameter telescope mirrors. Each instrument is cooled to -351 Fahrenheit in order to observe in the near-infrared wavelength range. What do you think they are looking for?


Planets you probably didn't know existed in are solar system???

Planet Altjira
Planet sedna
Planet orcus
Planet makemake
Planet Haumea
Planet Varda
Planet Teharonhiawako
Planet Eris

Full list of newly found planets in are own solar system...

Daily beast Italy earthquake click here...

French Foreign Minister Says 'We Have 500 Days to Avoid Climate Chaos'

(CNSNews.com) – The world has “500 days to avoid climate chaos,” French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said alongside Secretary of State John Kerry at the State Department on Tuesday.
“We have 500 days to avoid climate chaos,” Fabius said. “And I know that President Obama and John Kerry himself are committed on this subject and I’m sure that with them, with a lot of other friends, we shall be able to reach success in this very important matter.”
Fabius was referring to the next big United Nations climate conference, scheduled to open in Paris, France in November 2015, or in 565 days’ time.
(There will actually be a U.N. climate conference held before Paris – in Lima, Peru at the end of this year – but the world body views that more as a stepping stone to the 2015 meeting.)
The organizers have high hopes for the Paris event known in U.N. jargon as the 21st conference of the parties (COP21) – the parties being the signatories to the 1992 U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change and the 1997 Kyoto Protocol.
“By the end of the meeting, for the first time in over 20 years of U.N. negotiations, all the nations of the world, including the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases, will be bound by a universal agreement on climate,” the French foreign ministry said around the time it offered to host the conference.
Invited to respond Tuesday to Fabius’ 500-day warning, White House press secretary Jay Carney pointed to the National Climate Assessment released last week which, he said, “made clear in the view of the science that climate change is upon us and the effects and impacts of climate change are being felt today.”
“We’ve laid out a comprehensive strategy aimed at helping communities around the country prepare for the effects of climate change, as well as a strategy to reduce our carbon pollution, enhance our energy independence, and address climate change in the future to try to mitigate future impacts,” Carney said.
“There’s no question that this is a global effort that has to be undertaken because of the nature of carbon emissions around the world.”
The Paris climate conference will be held from November 30 to December 11, 2015.